Sunday, April 18, 2010

working on final

While working on my final paper I found myself really procrastinating and just not wanting to even work on this paper anymore. Its coming very close to the end of the year and I just found my mind wondering to different and more exciting things. I also need to return my library books soon , this Monday, because they are due. I need to get back into shape and into high gear to finish these last few weeks of school. I need to concentrate and to put a lot of well needed effort into this final paper and to get a well deserved grade on this paper.


We had to sign up for a time slot either on a Monday or on a Wednesday. I choose to go on a Wednesday and I volunteered to go first. During this meeting we just met with our professor and mainly just discussed our first draft and what we needed to correct in time for the final draft to be turned in for a grade. We needed to correct theses mistakes and to work our butts of to make the final paper a whole lot better than the first draft that we had previously had turned in. This meeting was brief and short and after we were allowed to leave.

comments on first draft

One of the problems that I had with my paper was that I used a title page, which isn't part of the MLA guidelines. I need a thesis statement. What I thought was one, apparently isn't a thesis statemnet. I need to explain why I have put in my paper and why. I need to explain things better. My conclusion needs to answer my main question that I asked in the opening introduction. I also need to have an argument presnt in and throughout my paper. The tone of my paper was okay. I also need to make my main points more clear.

Peer reviewer look at

During peer review I mainly wanted my reviewer which was Kevin, just to see if my paper made sense, if my paper came across the way I wanted it too. Another problem that I had was when I went to switch paragraphs, to find a better one to follow it up with or to coinsign with it. By reading another students work really helped me understand more about what we were actually supose to do and how my fellow classmate wrote his paper. It helped me understand the citations a lot more. Out of all of the peer reiws that we had previousy in the class I would have to say that this one was the most helpful.

Problems while drafting

I went through many obstacles while doing my first draft. The first problem that I came across was trying to sort all of the information and to do so in a way that would make sence to me and of course the reader as well. Another was trying not to repeat my self and to group all the information in the same catagories. The next problem was to sit down and to clear my mind and to focus on writing the paper, not facebook or television, but in my actual paper. Another difficult thing I came across was citing the sources correctly and paraphasing what the previous author stated and to put it into my own words.

First draft research paper

This paper including the final was a 2500-3000 words. This was worth 25% of our whole course grade. This paper took me the longest to do oout of all of the papers so far in this class for obvious reasons.. Such as 2500 words! This at first teffified me.. but I soon got over that number and began writing like crazy. My first draft was not a "first" draft but rather a complete word processed draft of the entire essay. It included an introduction, thesis, body, conclusion, works cited page and and appendices. This was due on March 31. The final draft was due on April 21 which was approaching a lot faster than what I anticipated it to.

annotated bibliography

This project was to help us find our background and most of our main information for the final project. This was the time to find our useful and useless informayion.This was a "easy" paper to write if you knew what you were doing. I struggled with it. In this paper you had to give the MLA information and write a brief summary on how this article or book would help you in your writings. We had to use three books, 2 reviews, and then 5 scholorly articles, then we also had to choose 5 more items which were also scholarly. Each entry was worth 10 points with the constant MLA and 25-60 word annotation.

going to the library

I had to go to the library to get the essentials that I needed to start writing my research paper. I went to the Todd Libary at Waubonsee. I looked up and searched books that they had availbale and found them. To my surprise a lot of books popped up when i searched serial killers. I had to glance through the book to make sure that they were appropriate for my topic. To my surprise I found many books dealing with televisions influences on childeren. So i breifly disscused this in my paper. I found around five books that would serve a purpose in my paper.